... is a general tool for the description and simulation of particle systems. Main applications are industrial crystallization, precipitation, dispersion, granulation, particle reactions in two phases and general reaction-convection-diffusion systems. So Parsival has proven to be a first choice for particle balance modeling.
Check out the new Parsival overview 2024.
All results are presented in online-graphs during simulation or optimization runs. Import and export of results and data in text files or via the COM-interface ensure the communication with other program packages.
- Rigorous and modular treatment of particle size distributions (PSDs) in heterogeneous process units
- Reaction step patterns for particle growth, nucleation, agglomeration, breakage, fine's dissolution, convection, diffusion, boundary conditions, kinetic reactions
- Flow sheets with classified flow and exit
- Parameter estimation including fit of full particle size distributions
- Applications are
- Crystallization processes
- Dispersions
- Precipitation reactions
- Mill characteristics
- Aerosols
- Polymer particles
- Nanostructures
- Bio pellets